August 12, 2010

Was he trying to be ironic?

A road contractor hired to paint the word "school" on a freshly paved stretch of road near Southern Guilford High School in North Carolina rendered the traffic area in question a "shcool" zone.

That's right, dear road contractor, get on your knees and look at that typo. Do we need to circle it with a red pen, a la "Secretary"?

Prepare to be spakned.


  1. Isn't that the british spelling? Or pronunciation?

    Somebody needs the paldde. For sure.

  2. You did it. I knew you would. Looks great.

  3. @BT: you're funny.

    @Miss Pink: the contractor does need a paddle. But now I'd say you're looking for any reason to spank anyone.


  4. @BT..awfully quick with the paddle aren't ya.LOL
    Pink..that guy will probably never get to live that's freakin hilarious! thank you !

  5. BT: At the risk of offending anyone, I'd say that you have a point. I have heard it pronounced "Shcool" before...perhaps he was a recent transplant and was spelling it phonetically?

    Either way, a paddle is in order.

    And thank you for your help! This way people can just give their responses without constructing a comment...but I do so love all the comments.

    H: Spankings are always in order. Especially if I can watch. Or participate. :)

    HMG: I know...I feel sorry for him, actually. It's being reported everywhere...AP picked it up,'s on the BBC. Poor, bad spelling fellow.

    Mark Twain, a notably poor speller once said, "I don't think much of a man that can spell a word only one way!"

  6. LOL -- I highly doubt it had anything to do with irony. More like brain-deadery.

  7. Erica: Good to see you here!

    Brain-deadery or Tied-one-too-many-on-erie -- it is damn funny.

  8. Spakned?

    Love your work Ms Pink/Miss Holloway.


  9. Our BBC picked this one up, he must be so embarrassed. No we don't spell it like that in the UK and I think he needs to go back to school:)


  10. Kirsten: Thank you! I love your work as well. I hope your recovery is as relaxing and pain-free as possible. I'd hug you, but you know...might hurt your ribs. Mostly I'm glad you and your family are (relatively) all right.

    Ronnie: Can you imagine making such a mistake? When I make a spelling error on this blog, my heart stops. And that's limited readership. I can't even picture what it would be like on this grand of scale.

    After the paddle, he needs a good hug.


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